Do other things with APIs

️✅ Learning objectives

  • Create new content through an API.
  • Update existing content through an API.
  • Delete existing content through an API.
  • Perform multiple API requests.
  • Learn more about making API requests with {httr2}.

Do more than GET

Motivating Example: Trello

Trello = Project Management Tool

What are the pieces of an HTTP request?

HTTP request = URL + headers + method + body

What is a request body?

Body = data sent in request

  • req_body_json() = most common
  • req_body_multipart() = mixed
    • curl::form_file() to indicate file paths
  • req_body_file()
  • req_body_form() = special format for HTML forms
  • req_body_raw()

httr2::req_body_json(req, data, {jsonlite::toJSON args})

What are HTTP request methods?


  • Paths are nouns
  • Methods are verbs
    • GET (fetch existing thing)
    • POST (send new thing)
    • PATCH (change existing thing)
    • PUT (replace existing thing)
    • DELETE (delete existing thing)
    • CONNECT, OPTIONS, HEAD, TRACE (very rare)

How do I specify a method?

  • GET = default without body
  • POST = default with body
  • req_method() to specify (rarely needed)
httr2::req_method(req, method)

Live Example

Trello background

  • API docs
  • API description
  • Somewhat weird auth:
    • OAuth 1!
    • “API key” ≈ OAuth client ID
    • “Token” ≈ OAuth token (but can manually generate one)
  • 6dkXRHRK = board ID from URL

Baseline Trello request

cache_path <- here::here("slides/other/cache")
trello_req <- httr2::request("") |> 
  .req_ua() |> 
    key = keyring::key_get("TRELLO_KEY"),
    token = keyring::key_get("TRELLO_TOKEN")
  ) |> 
  httr2::req_cache(cache_path) |> 
  httr2::req_retry(max_tries = 3)

Get Trello board info

board_lists <- trello_req |> 
  httr2::req_url_path_append("boards/6dkXRHRK/lists") |> 
  httr2::req_perform() |> 
board_lists |> purrr::map_chr("name")

Create a Trello card

new_card <- list(
  idBoard = "6dkXRHRK",
  idList = board_lists[[1]]$id,
  name = "*** Newly Created Card ***",
  desc = "This card was created as a book club demo."

new_card_response <- trello_req |> 
  httr2::req_url_path_append("cards") |> 
  httr2::req_body_json(data = new_card) |> 
  httr2::req_perform() |> 

Move the Trello card

move_card_response <- trello_req |> 
  httr2::req_url_path_append("cards", new_card_response$id) |> 
  httr2::req_body_json(data = list(idList = board_lists[[2]]$id)) |> 
  httr2::req_method("put") |> 
  httr2::req_perform() |> 
move_card_response2 <- trello_req |> 
  httr2::req_url_path_append("cards", new_card_response$id) |> 
  httr2::req_body_json(data = list(idList = board_lists[[3]]$id)) |> 
  httr2::req_method("put") |> 
  httr2::req_perform() |> 

Delete the card

delete_card_response <- trello_req |> 
  httr2::req_url_path_append("cards", new_card_response$id) |> 
  httr2::req_method("delete") |> 
  httr2::req_perform() |> 

Multiple requests

Motivating example: Trello cards as data

cards <- tibble::tibble(
  name = glue::glue("*** Sample card for {} ***"),
  desc = glue::glue("A card to do something for {}.")
#> # A tibble: 50 × 2
#>    name                       desc                                   
#>    <glue>                     <glue>                                 
#>  1 *** Sample card for AL *** A card to do something for Alabama.    
#>  2 *** Sample card for AK *** A card to do something for Alaska.     
#>  3 *** Sample card for AZ *** A card to do something for Arizona.    
#>  4 *** Sample card for AR *** A card to do something for Arkansas.   
#>  5 *** Sample card for CA *** A card to do something for California. 
#>  6 *** Sample card for CO *** A card to do something for Colorado.   
#>  7 *** Sample card for CT *** A card to do something for Connecticut.
#>  8 *** Sample card for DE *** A card to do something for Delaware.   
#>  9 *** Sample card for FL *** A card to do something for Florida.    
#> 10 *** Sample card for GA *** A card to do something for Georgia.    
#> # ℹ 40 more rows

Create multiple cards

card_creation_requests <- purrr::pmap(
  \(name, desc) {
    new_card <- list(
      idBoard = "6dkXRHRK",
      idList = board_lists[[1]]$id,
      name = name,
      desc = desc
    trello_req |> 
      httr2::req_url_path_append("cards") |> 
      httr2::req_body_json(data = new_card)
card_creation_responses <- card_creation_requests |> 
  httr2::req_perform_sequential() |> 
    \(resp) {
      tibble::tibble(data = list(httr2::resp_body_json(resp))) |> 

Delete multiple cards

card_deletion_responses <- card_creation_responses$id |> 
    \(card_id) {
      trello_req |> 
        httr2::req_url_path_append("cards", card_id) |> 
  ) |> 

Learn more about {httr2}

  • pkgdown site
  • GitHub issues
  • GitHub PRs
  • Some notable functions:
    • req_template(), curl_translate()
    • req_throttle(), req_timeout(), req_progress()
    • req_perform_stream()
    • req_options()

Chapter To-Do