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The TidyTuesday project is a constantly growing repository of data sets. Knowing what type of data is available for each week requires going to the source. However, one of the hallmarks of 'tidytuesdayR' is that you never have to leave your R console. These functions were created to help maintain this philosophy.


tt_available(auth = gh::gh_token())

tt_datasets(year, auth = gh::gh_token())



A GitHub token. See gh::gh_token() for more details.


What year of TidyTuesday to use


tt_available() returns a tt_dataset_table_list, which is a list of tt_dataset_table. This class has special printing methods to show the available data sets.

tt_datasets() returns a tt_dataset_table object. This class has special printing methods to show the available datasets for the year.


To find out the available datasets for a specific year, the user can use the function tt_datasets(). This function will either populate the Viewer or print to console all the available data sets and the week/date they are associated with.

To get the whole list of all the data sets ever released by TidyTuesday, the function tt_available() was created. This function will either populate the Viewer or print to console all the available data sets ever made for TidyTuesday.


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# check to make sure there are requests still available
if (rate_limit_check(quiet = TRUE) > 30) {
  ## show data available from 2018

  ## show all data available ever